2019 April and 2020 February

In the frame of Maison des Métallos’ new project dedicated to Transitions, director Stéphanie Aubin invited Fanny de Chaillé and her company DISPLAY to participate to CoOPs – artistic cooperatives. A CoOP, is 1 month at the Métallos. Set up as a collaboration between an artistic team and the venue’s team it offers to the public different means to meet one another around performing arts. 


(editorial from April CoOP)

// Queen of perspective reversal, Fanny de Chaillé is the one who can lead us through side roads, diagonals of meanings, and ways to come out of the frame as naturally as can be. The one who has never wanted to choose which side to be on (visual arts? rocker? choreographer? theater director?) has brought out throughout her life a race of slowness made of on-hold music, created performances and shows as a mental gymnastic and surtitles where everyone gets into a dubbing game. Each time reinventing new ways of working, she immerses us into exhilarating forms between illusions, logic puzzles and other poetic anagrams. With her, what could be interpreted as wit or vanity worthy of the greatest 19th century dandies is a delicate and discreet attention towards us, audience members, participants, listeners, users… 

Here, there is a real tactfulness in suggesting to us to take unusual paths, the ones who are at work within the gaps of things so that to better connect the meaning, the essence and the senses. Her playfulness (with words, bodies, situations) always makes space for a small variation, as we say when an assembly is not properly joined, so that to safeguard possible movements, to leave us this space of freedom, this ability to choose our path… In fact she’s able to manipulate language and play with context diversion without ever manipulating us. She and her fellows, with our consent, will not make Edgar Morin lie: 

« The surrealists had understood, one recites, reads poetry, but above all lives through poetry. Everywhere there is outpouring, communication, love, joy and playfulness there is poetry » and Christiane Taubira to add: 

« Aiming for happiness as the final goal is I believe a total delusion…  Happiness, is the gift that is given to you when you experience life in a poetic way »*. 

Stéphanie Aubin, Director of La Maison des Métallos. 

*For a poetics of civilisation, Edgar Morin and Christiane Taubira, Le Monde, July 29, 2017