Concept Fanny de Chaillé and Philippe Ramette
Lights Yves Godin
Dance Christine Bombal, Christophe Ives, Betty Tchomanga, Lenio Kakléa, Madeleine Fournier, Pauline Brun, Kerem Gelebek, Jonas Chéreau, Jérôme Andrieu, Sylvain Prunenec and Guillaume Bailliart
Production Isabelle Ellul
Thanks to Marc Domage and Jérôme Robbe
Duration 50 minutes
Created in 2011 at the Théâtre de la Cité internationale in Paris in the context of the project “New Settings” of the Hermès foundation.
“Everything seems to pull them apart, but it’s only a matter of perspective… Her, choreographer and performer, enthusiast to the dynamic gesture of dance, theatre and performance… Him, motionless gesture virtuoso, dream artist, freezing his body in invisible sculptures then taking pictures in astounding situations… Both fascinated by the absurd, the body and the need to rationalize the irrational… Passage à l’acte materializes almost four years of passionate discussion between the two, aiming to attract each artist on the other’s field.
Finally suiting the action to the word, Fanny de Chaillé and Phillippe Ramette have invented a “dramatic form” to tame each other’s gesture – the constraint of movement for her, the exposure in the theatre for him.”
Brigitte Jais – Programme “New Settings 2011”